Serbian Travel Phrases: Speak Like a Local

Have you decided to visit Serbia? Welcome! While exploring, you’ll definitely speak with locals. That’s why we have prepared basic Serbian travel phrases to help you communicate better.

Have you planned what you will visit yet? If you haven’t decided, we suggest:

  1. Nikola Tesla Museum
  2. Petrovaradin Fortress Clock
  3. Golubac Fortress
  4. Tara National Park and Sargan Eight railway
  5. Kopaonik National Park

You can find more interesting places to visit here.

Why Learn Serbian Travel Phrases

Getting lost is probably the last thing on your mind. Don’t worry if this ever happens, as Serbs are willing to help you find whatever you’re looking for.

Like any trip, it is helpful to know a few key phrases for communication . You’ll be more at ease if you know how to order food you like. Or check in a hotel and get a non-smoking room.

Serbian travel words will help you enjoy your trip and not get lost. Literally and in translation. Let’s dive in.

At the Bus Station

Traveling by bus is common in Serbia, especially between cities. These Serbian travel words and phrases help you when navigating bus terminals or buying tickets:

Da li do centra ide ovaj autobus? – Does this bus go to the city center?

Gde je najbliža autobuska stanica? – Where is the nearest bus station?

Da li autobus dolazi na vreme? – Does a bus come on time?

Gde je red vožnje? – Where is the timetable?

Kada je sledeći autobus za Niš? – When is the next bus to Niš?

Da li autobus ide autoputem? – Does it take a highway?

Dajte mi jednu povratnu kartu, molim vas. –  Give me one return ticket, please.

Dajte mi jednu kartu u jednom smeru, molim. – Give me one- way ticket, please.

To je 1200 dinara. – That’s 1200 dinars.

Izvolite. – Here you go.

Make sure you save this post, because these will come in handy.

Ordering a Taxi

When you’re in Serbia, knowing basic Serbian for travel purposes is crucial. There are many phrases you can learn. Below, you will find those that we use for taking a taxi:

Dobar dan. Treba mi vozilo u ulici Makedonska 25. – Good day. I need a vehicle at Makedonska 25.

Idem do hotela Sunce. – I’m going to the Sun Hotel.

Želim da idem najbržim putem. – I want to take the fastest route.

Možete li da upalite navigaciju? – Can you turn on the navigation?

Jesmo li stigli na odredište? – Have we arrived at the destination?

Mogu li da platim karticom? – Can I pay by card?

Mogu li da platim kešom? –  Can I pay by cash?

Hvala. Zadržite kusur. – Thank you. Keep the change.

Doviđenja. – Goodbye.

Taking a taxi is safe in Serbia, so don’t hesitate if you need to order it.

At the Reception

Checking in at a hotel or any accommodation is one of the first things travelers do when they arrive. These phrases will help you communicate with the staff during the check-in process and ensure a smooth start to your stay:

Imam rezervaciju. – I have a reservation.

Mogu li da se prijavim, molim vas? – Can I check in, please?

Imate li slobodnih soba? – Do you have any available rooms?

Mogu li prvo da pogledam sobu? – Can I see the room first?

Koliko košta soba po noćenju? – What’s a room price per night?

Da li je doručak uključen? – Is breakfast included?

U koliko sati je odjava? – What time is check-out?

Mogu li dobiti kasnu odjavu? – Can I get a late check-out?

Da li imate Wi-Fi? – Is Wi-Fi available?

Gde je najbliži bankomat? – Where is the nearest ATM?

Gde se nalazi restoran/bar? – Where can I find the restaurant/bar?

Mogu li ostaviti prtljag ovde? – Can I leave my luggage here?

Da li nudite prevoz do aerodroma? – Do you offer airport transfers?

There are plenty of hotels and hostels in Serbia. We are sure you’ll find an excellent accommodation easily.

Rent a Car

Are you planning to rent a car in Serbia? Learning these Serbian travel phrases will help you communicate with rental agencies. It will make the whole rental process go smoothly.

Mogu li da iznajmim auto? – Can I rent a car.

Koliko košta po danu? – How much is it per day?

Da li mi treba osiguranje? – Do I need insurance?

Da li postoji ograničenje kilometraže? – Is there a mileage limit?

Imate li automobile sa automatskim menjačem? – Do you have automatic cars?

Mogu li prvo da pogledam auto? – Can I see the car first?

Koliki je depozit? – How much is the deposit?

Da li je GPS uključen? – Is GPS included?

Gde je najbliža benzinska pumpa? – Where is the nearest gas station?

Kako mogu produžiti period iznajmljivanja? – Is it possible extend the rental period?

Mogu li dodati dodatnog vozača? – Can I add an additional driver?

Da li imate mapu? – Is there a map available?

Don’t forget to fasten your seatbelt, as this is a requirement by the law.

At the Airport

You could get lost at an airport if you don’t speak Serbian. These Serbian travel phrases will help you navigate the airport with ease:

U koliko sati se ukrcava u avion? – What time does the flight board?

Ima li ovde salona? – Is there a lounge here?

Gde je mesto za preuzimanje prtljaga? – Where is the baggage claim area?

Mogu li dobiti mesto pored prozora? – Can I get a window seat?

Da li postoji direktan let? – Is there a direct flight?

Gde je carina? – Where is the customs office?

Mogu li koristiti Wi-Fi ovde? – Can I use Wi-Fi here?

Propustio sam let. – I missed my flight.

Arrive at least 2,5 hours before the flight to pass the needed controls and avoid crowds.

Final Thoughts

Learning these essential Serbian travel phrases will make your trip more enjoyable. Also, you’ll connect with locals and navigate the country. Take the time to learn and practice them  before your journey.

Remember to avoid some common mistakes when learning , and you’ll be ready for any situation that comes your way.

If you don’t have anyone to practice Serbian with,  join our classes. We help students all around the world speak Serbian confidently.

Safe travels – or as we say in Serbian, Srećan put.

Written by Sanja Dulovic

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